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3 Ways Damon & Enzo Could Be Saved in Season 8 - The Vampire Diaries

3 Ways Damon & Enzo Could Be Saved in Season 8 - The Vampire Diaries

We're getting closer and closer to the Season 8 premiere of The Vampire Diaries. I have been waiting so long for this and I am super excited to see what will happen next. In the season 7 finale we saw Damon go deeper into the cave as he heard Elena calling out to him, but we all know that it was not Elena's voice that he heard.... Instead it was some sort of evil. Damon became possessed by whatever evil was in the cave and we saw Enzo run in after him, making him become possessed as well. Soooo how in the world can Damon and Enzo be saved by some unknown evil?

Here are my ideas on how they will be saved in Season 8 of The Vampire Diaries.

3 Ways Damon & Enzo Could Be Saved in Season 8 - The Vampire Diaries Bonnie

Bonnie always saves the day.

Bonnie was a pretty powerful witch. I am not exactly sure if she still is a witch considering everything that happened last season, like how Enzo gave her those pills to keep the Armory from finding her so she wouldn't open the tomb to the cave that had darkness inside it. Bonnie took Raina's place as becoming a hunteress from the Phoenix stone and fortunately for her she was able to get her rage of killing vampires under control. However I am not sure whether she even has magic at her disposal anymore, but it is still a possibility that she could be a witch and that she could help save her best friend Damon and her beloved boyfriend, Enzo. Or maybe Bonnie may only be able to save Enzo and his love for her could snuff out the darkness.

3 Ways Damon & Enzo Could Be Saved in Season 8 - The Vampire Diaries stefan salvatore

Stefan to the rescue.

It is a possibility that Stefan could use his brotherly bond connection to Damon and be able to set him free from this evil since we all know that Stefan will go to extensive lengths to save his brother. However how he'll be able to do it is another story....

3 Ways Damon & Enzo Could Be Saved in Season 8 - The Vampire Diaries elena gilbert

Elena wakes up.

There has been a bit of speculation that Nina Dobrev will return to reprise her role as Elena at some point of time. I am not sure about how strong Damon's love is for it to override the darkness that is currently within him, but it is possible that seeing Elena could somehow pull it out. Again, I'm not exactly sure how... but it is possible.

3 Ways Damon & Enzo Could Be Saved in Season 8 - The Vampire Diaries damon salvatore

They won't be saved.

I hate to say it, but I think that Damon and Enzo may end up being killed in some way or form because of this unknown evil within them. I've grown fond of both of the characters, but realistically speaking since this will be the last season of the series I would not be surprised to see both of the characters dying in the end which would suck. I really enjoyed seeing Bonnie happy with Enzo and I grew to love Damon after a while, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

How do you guys think Damon and Enzo will be rescued from the darkness or do you think that they will be saved?

Leave a comment down below and let me know what you guys think!
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