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Awkward Life Diaries: Small Talk Is The Worse

Awkward Life Diaries: Small Talk

I feel like it is the absolute hardest for me to interact with people in person, especially since I can be kind of awkward and unfortunately small talk is the worse for me. You know when someone feels obligated to say something to you to break the silence for whatever reason? Yeah... I am not exactly sure whether people involve themselves in small talk to get information, because they want to break the silence, or because they want to actually connect and get to know you. I mean they could just be very friendly, but I never know. I have wanted to ask a multiple of times, but I felt like I would come off as being rude if I took the time to ask.

For example, recently I was standing in line at Rite Aid because I was buying some paper plates since there was a sale and I'm a very cheap woman. 

Awkward Life Diaries: Small Talk

Anyway, this guy gets in line behind me and says,

"Oh you're buying paper plates??"

I say, "Yeah I am..." as I make this slight grin because in my mind I am completely unprepared for social interaction... I'm just focused on eating barbecued food.

Awkward Life Diaries: Small Talk

Then he says, "Are you having a party?"

Awkward Life Diaries: Small Talk

So I reply, "No.. I'm not."

Awkward Life Diaries: Small Talk

Then there was that complete silence that I know this man had to think, 

"Okay... Where do I go from here with this conversation..? There is nowhere to go from here!"

Awkward Life Diaries: Small Talk

Annnnnd if he was not thinking that, that is what I was thinking because I never really know how to continue a conversation on from there, but then again my mind was focused on eating at the time. So that could have been the problem itself.

I mean, there have been other situations where I attempted to involve myself within initiating small talk, but it always resulted in me telling myself...

Awkward Life Diaries: Small Talk

I may need to make the attempts to work on maneuvering small talk to a legitimate engaging conversation, but I honestly just prefer to not engage in conversations about the weather. However if I could randomly start talking to someone about The Flash, Sailor Moon, or Psychology.... then that's another story.

Do any of you guys despise the awkwardness of small talk like me?
Leave a comment down below and tell me how you feel about it or tips on how to turn small talk situations into interesting conversations. 
This awkward girl would love to know your thoughts.
