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40 Quotes about Energy

Quotes about Energy

One of the variables that we must focus on within our lives is what we put our energy into. It is important to assess this and understand it so that we can better our overall lives. Today I wanted to share with you guys 40 quotes about energy. These quotes can encourage you to observe what your energy goes into within your life and they maybe able to help you to reflect on whether you should make changes towards what your energy is focused upon.

40 Quotes about Energy

The energy that you expose to others is easily acquired. The energy that you present within your delivery of everyday interactions can greatly affect people. I know whenever I communicate with someone in public in a positive manner regardless if they appear kind of sad, their mood tends to perk up a little bit when I interact with them with kindness.

40 Quotes about Energy

I have noticed that when I create something when I am in a bad mood it either is not my best work or I do not feel like I have given it my all. It is kind of like when artists create paintings or musicians create music. You may see the painting and interpret the artwork as feeling sad or happy and the same goes with music. It can be interpreted as being filled with sadness or joy. The energy that you put into whatever you create will show in your end result.

40 Quotes about Energy

Most people who know me can easily tell when my energy is different when interpreting whether I am feeling strongly negative or positive about something. Energy is easy to read even if you do not speak on what is affecting you.

40 Quotes about Energy

When you think negatively, you can develop a negative perspective or even attract negativity. The same goes with positivity. It is important to evaluate the energy that you are feeding into your daily life and to assess whether the energy is promoting or hindering you.

40 Quotes about Energy

I know a lot of times I have to set time aside to do things for me to make me happier about myself and life. It is important to make sure that you do something for you that makes you happy everyday. Don't neglect yourself.

40 Quotes about Energy

I would interpret this as every time you put out certain energy into the world you will receive the same energy back. If you engage in a positive manner then you will receive energy in a positive manner as well.

40 Quotes about Energy

Within this quote, I would say that whatever you think and put your energy into is what you become. If you feel like things will go well for you in life and you are motivated to work towards those things, then your life will follow a more positive and successful track. If you feel negative and you are constantly thinking negative thoughts, then you may attract negative situations and you may not experience a lot of positives.

40 Quotes about Energy

It is important to spread good and positive energy as you go throughout life. Do not allow negative interactions and situations to affect you to the point where it disturbs your energy. The energy you spread impacts others and it impacts your overall growth.

40 Quotes about Energy

The energy that you expose to the world will affect others. It is important to spread energy that is used for growth and good vibes versus energy that focuses on destruction.

40 Quotes about Energy

It is important to use your energy towards something that will promote something of substance. When focus your energy towards things that simply waste time, you are losing out on your potential.

40 Quotes about Energy

This is something I have been working on myself. If you focus your energy towards things that are important to you then you will have positive growth within those things.

40 Quotes about Energy

Don't waste time focused on things that won't promote any positive growth to your life.

40 Quotes about Energy

When you give your energy to things that are causing you problems or making your feel negatively, you are only influencing that situation and giving it more power over your energy as well as time within your life.

40 Quotes about Energy

The energy exchanged can definitely build and mold relationships as well as the ways in which we view each other.

40 Quotes about Energy

Overtime we learn what we should put our energy into and what we shouldn't. Always evaluate the reasoning for why you are directing your energy towards something and make sure that what you are giving your energy to promotes some sort of gain within your life.

40 Quotes about Energy

Our energy causes other ripples of energy. Energy is contagious.

40 Quotes about Energy

There is energy involved within the things we wish to have. We think about these things and put energy into hoping for those things. When realizing the things we hope for it is important to put energy towards the wish that you would like to see come true. 

40 Quotes about Energy

When you pay attention to something, you give it your energy. It is important to assess what you give your focus and energy to because it can affect you either positively or negatively.

40 Quotes about Energy

Whatever energy or vibes you feel from someone should be trusted because it can help you to decipher whether you should invest your focus within them professionally or within your personal life.

40 Quotes about Energy

It is good to give your energy to your goals, but it is also good to give your energy towards things that will help you relieve stress and relax you.

40 Quotes about Energy

When you think positively, you can get more done and you are able to work towards your goals more effectively. When you think negatively, it can hinder your thought process and progression.

40 Quotes about Energy

It is important to rely on your own energy than to rely on someone else. A lot of people tend to rely on the person that they are in a relationship with for their happiness. They put a lot of responsibility upon them. It is important to make sure that you do not focus on controlling the other person and instead focus on building with the other person. In a relationship you become a team and it is important to work on the relationship as a team instead of as if you are on opposing sides.

40 Quotes about Energy

When you love yourself, you become more focused on surrounding yourself with more positive vibes. You begin to protect yourself from anything that can cause you negative emotions which is important for your mental health.

40 Quotes about Energy

This quote to me means we spend most of our time focused on walking in someone else's shoes instead of walking in our own and focusing on making our own path. Use your energy to figure out your dreams and goals. Use your energy to make a path for yourself.

40 Quotes about Energy

Never allow someone to project their negativity on you where it affects you. I have noticed that when someone is upset and they interact with me negatively... I try not to respond in a negative manner. However, I have also noticed that it definitely makes people more upset when they realize that they can't make you mad.

40 Quotes about Energy

The delivery is important and the energy that you deliver as you engage with others can affect the energy that you receive from others as well.

40 Quotes about Energy

40 Quotes about Energy

If you are constantly receiving negative energy and situations within your life, then it is time to alter something within your life... whether it be your perspective, the ways in which you interact with others, or even changing your environment if it constantly involves negative individuals.

40 Quotes about Energy

Complaining definitely just boosts the negative emotions that we have within the moment. It would be good to use that energy towards something constructive like creating art or working on something. 

40 Quotes about Energy

The more you complain the more you do not allow yourself to focus on getting things done.

40 Quotes about Energy

Energy can become whatever you like for it to be. When you feel positive or when you feel negative and you display that energy out into the world, then you will attract that energy.

40 Quotes about Energy

A lot of the times we worry about things that we have no control over and we want to be in charge of everything, but if we navigate our energy towards something that makes us feel better about what we can't control... it could make us feel better about the overall situation.

40 Quotes about Energy

The energy that you put out into the world is what you will receive back. If you intend to show someone your anger or joy, the individual may return the same energy.

40 Quotes about Energy

With having really bad anxiety, it can be hard to maintain energy towards something that you want. It is important to manage your anxiety by doing something to calm you like chewing gum, evaluating why you feel anxious, and developing personal techniques to apply to your life to manage your anxiety. That way you will have more energy to use within your everyday life to work towards goals you would like to accomplish.

40 Quotes about Energy

I learned that within listening to people who like to complain a lot that it is important to realize that people who vent to you are taking your energy and people who expose you to negativity are taking your energy. Choose where you share your energy wisely.

40 Quotes about Energy

I used to think negatively about myself a lot of the time and after awhile I realized that I couldn't get much done because of all of the negative thoughts that would fill my mind. I wouldn't have any energy left to really work on anything or invest in myself. It is okay to examine your weaknesses, but make changes to those weaknesses where you can and always give yourself recognition for your strengths. It is okay to be proud of yourself and to realize your greatness too. Everyone is great at something.

40 Quotes about Energy

It is important to try different things and to figure out what you would be great at doing for a job. It is also important to realize what would make you completely happy. Having time to evaluate what would make you feel truly good about yourself and time to evaluate what you would be good at doing is important Once you figure out what it is, you should give it your all and apply yourself completely to it.

40 Quotes about Energy

This quote makes me wonder about what happens to our energy when we do die.

40 Quotes about Energy

Life is affected by the elements. 

40 Quotes about Energy

Feeling negatively towards someone and constantly giving that individual focus when you feel this negative energy is a waste. It is important to do something constructive with your energy to promote your own personal growth. It would be best to not worry about others who cause you to feel energy that promotes bad vibes. Instead focus on things that promote good vibes and overall growth. 

I hope you all enjoyed these quotes about energy.
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