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Moonie Monday | 15 Wonderful Sailor Moon Inspired Foods!!

15 Wonderful Sailor Moon Inspired Food for Moonie Monday kawaii Japan Japanese betno cake cookies
via Instagram

Monday is almost over, but there is still time for Moonie Monday!! I hope all of you guys had a great start to your week and if not hopefully what I share with you guys today will fill you with happiness orr...... hunger. Anyway, today I decided to do something different for Moonie Monday. We all know that Sailor Moon loves to pig out and eat so why don't we check out the Sailor Moon inspire food that I found on Instagram today. Maybe this will inspire some of you guys to make some of your own Sailor Moon inspired food or maybe it'll give you an idea for what your birthday cake or next pancake will look like! Yes.... there will be Sailor Moon pancakes!

Anyway, let's jump right into this Moonie Monday special of Sailor Moon inspire food!!

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All of the food looks amazing. 
*stomach growls* 
Well I guess it's time for me to get something to eat myself. 
Staring at all of this food has me hungry. I hope you guys loved all of the Sailor Moon inspired food.

15 Wonderful Sailor Moon Inspired Food for Moonie Monday kawaii Japan Japanese betno cake cookies eating gif
via tumblr

Don't forget to comeback to my website Saturday because I'll be posting another Sailor Moon cosplay feature. 

Submit your Sailor Moon cosplay Instagram links if you've cosplayed Sailor Moon and you just might be featured on this website!

Have an awesome night guys!
