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75 Amazing Simba Tattoos

Hey you guys! Today I wanted to share with you all these amazing Simba tattoos that I found on Instagram today. I honestly would want a lot of these myself or I would want some sort of artwork that resembles these. I hope these inspire your next tattoo!

Don't forget to show these photos some love on Instagram and follow the artists on Instagram!

Every tattoo that you have is a reminder of something great that has ever happened to you , even if they are quite simple on first glance . On of our guests from South Africa had this tattoo done in loving memory of his friend , who passes away . They used to call him “Simba” , that’s why he decided to get This character from “Lion King” forever engraved on his body. 🎨ink by @fusion_ink , equipment by @vladbladirons , needles by @kwadron , care products @officialh2ocean #inked_fx #lionking #galaxytattoo #spacetattoo #realistictattoo #lionkingtattoo #tattooartist #simbalion #tattooart #simbalionking #simbatattoo #vladbladirons #bananatattoo #spaceart #anotherplanet #spaceart #tattoomagazine #tattooculturemagazine #татуреализм #татукосмос #fusionink #kwadron #h2ocean #h2oceanloyalty #татукорольлев #корольлев #tattooinrussia #tattoodisney #tattooistartmag #apocalyptictattoo
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Thanks for checking out these tattoos!